About the Bikes for Work Scheme

For a long time, Saint Piran has been frustrated by the lack of support for the local economy in cycle retail, especially for local bicycle retailers. These retailers are often a vital part of the cycling ecosystem. Cyclists can get advice and support from these central pillars of the cycling community.

Many schemes take large commissions from the retailers and heavily dictate how they operate. Some of the larger schemes are now foreign owned. Other national schemes actively try to push mail orders and eliminate the local options.

 We decided to do something about this and are delighted to offer the Saint Piran Bikes For Work Scheme. 

Don’t worry if your employer has already signed up for a national scheme, as we can still accept them and request that they join us. You may want to inform them of the benefits of changing or running our scheme in parallel.

Major benefits of the Saint Piran Bikes For Work Scheme. 

  • CSR This scheme supports the local economy, benefiting the communities in which the company and its employees work and live.
  • Encourages local buying with all the local backup advice and support of a good cycle retailer or service provider.
  • Open to everyone; no store or employer is excluded from joining.
  • Profits go towards UK cycling sport and CSR projects and UK employment.
  • Low commission rates will hopefully make more discounted products available to end users.

 The scheme is open to any employer or small business signing up, and we have a dedicated team to simplify the whole process.

Man in Black Suit Jacket and Black Pants Standing Beside Red Bicycle

Complete the form below, and we will contact you with full details:

Cycle to Work

Complete the form below, and we will contact you with full details:

Cycle to Work